Two books were recently published that are sure to help R grow even faster.
R has a reputation, partially deserved, for being hard to learn. These books will help. The first makes learning easier, the second can make learning less necessary for initiates.
I have not yet touched either book.
R for Dummies
The authors are Andrie de Vries and Joris Meys.
This, of course, is a book that presumes no experience with programming nor with statistics.
It includes a chapter entitled: “Ten Things You Can Do in R That You Would’ve Done in Microsoft Excel”. You know that someone is addicted to spreadsheets when they suffer from EES (Excel Exceedance Syndrome).
My own attempt at an introduction to R is “Some hints for the R beginner”.
Programming Graphical User Interfaces With R
The authors are Micheal F. Lawrence and John Verzani.
Programming Graphical User Interfaces with R introduces each of the major R packages for GUI programming: RGtk2, qtbase, Tcl/Tk, and gWidgets. With examples woven through the text as well as stand-alone demonstrations of simple yet reasonably complete applications
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