Most popular posts in 2012 October
- Review of “R For Dummies”
- Annotations for “R For Dummies”
- A practical introduction to garch modeling
- S&P 500 correlation up to date
- A tale of two returns (posted in 2010)
- S&P 500 sector strengths
- A look at Bayesian statistics
- The top 7 portfolio optimization problems
- The basics of Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall
- Introduction to “Tao Te Programming”
Most popular posts in 2012
As of 2012 October 31.
- The top 7 portfolio optimization problems
- A tale of two returns (posted in 2010)
- A look at Bayesian statistics
- A practical introduction to garch modeling
- A comparison of some heuristic optimization methods
- The distribution of financial returns made simple
- The number 1 novice quant mistake (posted in 2011)
- Market predictions for years 2011 and 2012
- Beta is not volatility
- Review of “Models. Behaving. Badly.” by Emanuel Derman